What is aeroplane turbulence?
Aeroplane turbulence is a fairly common aeronautical phenomena and usually safe. It is caused by chaotic movements of air in the atmosphere, often associated with particular weather conditions such as strong winds or areas of temperature change. This air can move the plane around, which can be unpleasant for passengers.
However, it is important to note that turbulence is a normal and usual occurrence during the flight, and planes are perfectly designed to deal with it safely. Pilots are trained to anticipate and manage turbulence, adjusting the aircraft’s speed and path to minimise its impact on the flight and passenger comfort.
What causes turbulence?
Aircraft turbulence is caused by unstable movements of air in the atmosphere. It can happen when air moves at different speeds or directions, creating areas of high and low pressure. These pressure variations can cause jerks or unexpected movements of the aircraft in flight. Turbulence can be brought about by meteorological phenomena such as cold or warm winds, thunderstorms, convective clouds or changes in wind direction.
Is turbulence dangerous?
Turbulence is not dangerous to aircraft or passengers. Aeroplanes are designed to withstand significant forces. Passengers may be injured if they do not have their seatbelt fastened, or if they move around while the aircraft is going through an area of turbulence. That is why it is always recommended to wear your safety belt while seated on the plane, even when the seatbelt signal is off, and why you are asked to wear it when the plane goes through an area of turbulence.
Where do you feel turbulence the least on an aeroplane?
Turbulence is usually felt least in the front part of the aircraft, near the wings and cockpit. This area is more stable, as it is located near the aircraft’s centre of gravity. The wings, which are the main “fulcrum” of the aircraft, are also designed to withstand strong forces and are therefore less susceptible to sudden movements. Turbulence is felt more strongly in the rear part of the aircraft. This is due to the leverage effect caused by the distance between the aircraft’s centre of gravity and the rear part of the aircraft.